
British Railways Standard Locomotives Drawings

Astronomical Map: Apollo Lunar Orbit Chart (ALO), Apollo Mission 11

Geoffrey Perry archive relating to operation of the Kettering Group

Set of 20 interviews on audio cassettes 'Pioneers of Computing'

Archive related to construction and test flights of the Concorde 002 prototype aircraft

Final Apollo 11 Flight Plan

Drawing of The Pullman Car Co. Ltd. General Arrangement First Class Parlour Car

Photographic print: LM Descent Monitoring Chart, Apollo Mission 10

Diagram of the endocrine system

Collection of documents relating to Skylark sounding rocket, predominantly to the development of Attitude Control Units

NASA Conversion Tables for Velocities manual

Documents Relating to The Transport of Goods via Liverpool Road Station

Specimen sheet for Plantin (series number: 110)

Plans of engineering projects and illustrations by Frank Wightman

Record book for Busty Morrison pit detailing supplies purchased

Archive of the hydrological research committee of the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research and the Natural Environment Research Council

The Rob Gretton Collection of Business Papers as a Director of Factory (Communications) Limited

Photograph album of Petrochemicals Ltd.

Archive of the British Transport Commission

Collection of papers relating to Alan Pedder's AEI apprenticeship

13 photographic prints

Photographs of ICI (Organics) Blackley plant, Manchester

Specimen sheet for Times New Roman Book (series number: 627)

Royal Commission on Awards to Inventors

Material related to Donald Campbell and the Bluebird car and hydroplane

Photographic print: LM Descent Monitoring Chart Sheet 1 of 3

A collection of Mullard Limited reports relating to semiconductors

NORWEB photographic collection

Astronomical Map: Launch Date Target of Opportunity Flight Chart SKB 32100097-301

"Specimen Book of 'Monotype' Printing Type", volume one, for typeface names A to G

74 boxes and 1 envelope

National Physical Laboratory Archive

Records of Aerocem Ltd

The Application of Computers to Taxonomy by Peter Henry Andrews Sneath

Railway shipping tickets for perishable goods

Record Books of Horses employed in Mines

93 photographic prints, 222 photographic negatives, 2 discs

Photographs of Workers at the Ferranti Wythenshawe Factory

Photograph album entitled, 'The Daily Graphic Plastics Exhibition'

Graham Sealy's papers relating to the British Railways Hovercraft

2 items

Central Electricity Generating Board Maps

Specimen sheet for Plantin (series number: 110)

Specimen sheet for Gill Sans (series number: 262)

Photographic print of apprentices at AEI Trafford Park

1 roll

Wiring diagrams for diesel electric locomotives

4 items

Collection of Ferranti International Ordinary Share Certificates

Specimen sheet for Lombardic Capitals (series number: 293)

Journal on the testing of the Bluebird at Coniston Water by Ted Hamel

PhD theses entitled: "Design of Superconducting Machines"

Volume entitled: "A brief history of the origin and progress of the royal harbour of Ramsgate"

Victor Hough Collection

Scripts and recording of the BBC Radio 3 musical entertainment programme ‘Mischief-Making Moon’, presented by Patrick Moore

NASA Acronyms and Abbreviations Dictionary: Flight Operations Directorate Crew Training and Procedures Division